Lyme Disease

What is Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that is spread to humans by infected ticks.

What causes Lyme Disease?

A tick will bite an animal carrying the bacteria and will become infected. The tick can transfer the bacteria to a human by biting and passing bacteria into the bloodstream.

What are the symptoms?

The main symptom is circular or oval dermatitis (Rash), it is often described as looking like a bullseye. It can take up to 3 months to appear, however most cases it usually appears in 1 to 4 weeks.

After being infected with the bacteria, lots of patients experience flu-like symptoms :

5-20% become chronic pain symptoms such as :

Imaging In Diagnosis

For chronic symptoms, an MRI scan will be done. 

To find out more information about Lyme Disease, visit these websites by clicking the logo

A patient's Experience

If you would like to share your story about Lyme Disease. Please contact us.