Ehlers-Danos Syndrome
What is Ehlers-Danos Syndrome (EDS)?
EDS is a group of rare inherited conditions that affect connective tissue, such as skin, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels1.
There are 13 types of EDS. Each type of EDS has its own set of features and diagnostic criteria2. Some symptoms can be seen across the different types, such as joint hypermobility.
What may cause EDS?
EDS is inherited. Each type of EDS is caused by variants in specific genes. These genes are in relation to making collagen and related proteins.
What are common symptoms?
Some symptoms are common across all types of EDS :
Chronic pain
However symptoms are specific to a type of EDS.
Can anything trigger the pain?
Activities that put a lot of strain on joints
A patient's Experience
If you would like to share your story about Ehlers-Danos Syndrome. Please contact us.
[1] - NHS England. Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome [Internet]. England: NHS England; 2022. Available from:
[2] - The Ehlers-Danlos Society. EDS Types [Internet]. The Ehlers-Danlos Society; N.D. Available from: